Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Space & Time

Millions of hearts flew to Pluto today
A journey of 9 years covered in a moment.
What better way to avoid Heartbreak?
They'll be far away when things end.
It's far enough away to keep them safe
So many Clark Kents to populate
Hopefully they'll return one day
Super-hearts that just love and never break
For now, there's a sinking emptiness
A feeling of approaching doom
I can see my world coming to an end
I can feel the pull away from you
The room stretches and morphs around us
The few feet are now so much more
Memories don't fade, your voice echoes
My heart's better off sent to Pluto


  1. Super hearts are made
    Only when they break
    To love and not lose
    Is not for the heart to choose
    And thus gets every love story
    Its passion and its glory.

    1. When down & out, your vision clouds
      It's all you can do when despair surrounds
      To pick up the pieces and walk on
      Forget the old tunes, find new favourite songs
      Then, Love and Glory are high demands
      Specially when given in mortal hands
      The path to passion is rocky at best
      Only for the brave, not for the rest
