Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Dear I-Wish-Someone-Could-Tell-Me-It-Will-Be-Okay

Nothing will be perfect.
But you know that.
You're not a hopeless optimist.
Hey, but you are an optimist, haan.

You grow into it.
The world treats you well.
And sends you kittens and puppies with big believing eyes who shyly lick your palm and slide up to you while you sleep to cuddle your toes.

The world sends you wins.
But you see right through them
You pick going home to your cats.
And you value most, the brickbats.
Good job, you!

And from a shy kitten yourself,
You become a full on psycho cat.
It's pretty cool.
It's your callsign.

Honestly, I'm not sure you need a break in the space time continuum to make it.
You make it.
Or you fake it
And you help others make it.

Don't roll your eyes at me.

But don't stop rolling your eyes.
People will tell you not to.
But it's nice to acknowledge the ludicrous.
And to be the ridiculous.
You learn to be a clown
Even if you're breaking inside.

And you find people who see right through that.
And love you for it.

You meet heartbreak.
It wore stripes at one time, specs another, and pathanis at yet another.

Know what that means?
You've got a heart held together by superglue
Patent it.

You find the poetry in tears.
You cry so hard it scares you, but you're up the next day, striding into office because your team needs you.
Nah, they may not notice.
But they'll hug you at some time.
Tell them you hate hugs.
They'll find reasons to hug you
And to love you.

You become my role model.
Every time I look back.
Because man, what a hike life is
And what a damn Sherpa you are!
Just like your mom, you fight for perfection.
And just like your dad, you demand attention to work ethic.
But equally like both of them, you know how to acknowledge irrationality, differing views, and you appreciate people.
(Sometimes grudgingly, coz you don't really like people; being a cat, and all)

You don't need anyone to tell you it's okay
But you meet them anyway
You're born to them, in fact
And they're the people you tend to attract
Friends, Romans, countrymen
Absolute strangers
But well wishers.

But you know the coolest part?
You are clumsy as all hell.
You keep falling, keep getting into scrapes, keep taking chances, keep making an ass of yourself, keep cringing at all the idiotic things you do.
And you never, ever stop doing that.

The channe ka zhaad doth protest
And my case, I hereby rest.
Am I lying?
You'll only have proof if you go out of your way
To prove me insane.


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