Don't matter
When you're two beers down.
Stop existing
When you walk in & sit down
A drink or two
A smoke to share
And you're on your way
To a fleeting conversation
That's here to stay.
Share a light
A fry or two
And there's tales to tell
Will stop existing
And nations as well.
Don't exist
When you're two beers down.
Lose their meanings
Where there's real meaning to be found.
This has nothing to do with political conflict. This is about the IDEA of borders.
Don't matter
When you're two beers down.
Stop existing
When you walk in & sit down
A drink or two
A smoke to share
And you're on your way
To a fleeting conversation
That's here to stay.
Share a light
A fry or two
And there's tales to tell
Will stop existing
And nations as well.
Don't exist
When you're two beers down.
Lose their meanings
Where there's real meaning to be found.
This has nothing to do with political conflict. This is about the IDEA of borders.